What Do you mean by CMIA cotton?

Cotton Made in Africa (CmiA) is an internationally recognized standard for sustainable cotton production in Africa, emphasizing environmental protection and improving the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and ginnery workers since 2005.

African cotton, known for its high quality, is mostly cultivated by smallholder farmers using rain-fed methods and hand-picking, ensuring good quality raw material for various textile applications. The cultivation methods promoted by CmiA also contribute to food security by supporting crop rotation with basic food crops, reducing soil leaching and pest occurrences.

Indeed, African cotton stands out for its high quality attributed to its cultivation under rain-fed conditions, ample sunshine, and hand-picking by smallholder farmers. These factors result in relatively long fibers, ideal for producing yarns used in various textile applications worldwide.

Hand-picking ensures careful selection of fully mature fiber bolls, contributing to the raw material’s superior quality while avoiding chemical contamination associated with machine harvesting. The soft, breathable, and absorbent properties of cotton further enhance its popularity in apparel such as T-shirts, trousers, and shirts.

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