What Is Yarn Count | Different Types Of Count

What Is Yarn Count | Different Types Of Count

Yarn count
The yarn count is a numerical expression which defines its fineness or coarseness. It also expresses weather the yarn is thick or thin. A definition is given by the textile institute – “Count is a number which indicates the mass per unit length or the length per unit mass of yarn.”

Types of yarn count

 Indirect system- English, Metric, Worsted.
 Direct system- Tex, Denier, Lbs/Spindle.

Indirect count
The count of yarn expresses the number of length units in one weight unit. Thus higher the count, finer the yarn. The system is generally used for cotton, worsted, linen (wet spun), etc.                                       w x LIndirect count: N= ………………                                      W X lWhere, W = The weight of the sample.             w = The unit weight of the system.             L = The length of the sample.             l = The unit length of the sample.

Direct count
The count of yarn expresses the no. of weight units in one length unit. Thus higher the count, coarser the yarn. The system is generally used for synthetic fibre, jute, silk, etc.                                W X lDirect count: N = …………                                w X LWhere,                N = The yarn number or, count.                W = The weight of the sample.                w = The unit weight of the sample.                L = The length of the sample.                l = The unit length of the sample.

In Details:English system: It is defined as the number of hanks (840 yds) per pound. count.                               Length (yds)     1 poundEnglish count N =……………… X ……………………..                                    840 yds             Weight (Pound)Metric system: It is defined as the number of hanks (1000m) per kg.                                                                Length (m)           1 kgMetric count =……………X ………………………..                             1000m            Weight (kg)Worsted system: It is defined as the number of hanks (540yds) per pound.                                                            Length (yds)     1 Pound   Worsted count =………………X ……………………..                          560 (yds)          Weight (Pound)Tex system or Lea count: It is defined as the weight in grams of 1000 m.                    Weight (gm)     1000mTex count =……………X  ………………….                     1 gm                 Length (m)Denier: The number or, count in the denier system is the weight in grams of 9000 m.                                                 Weight (gm)       9000mDenier count =……………X………………….                         1 gm                   LengthPounds per spindle (Jute system): Count in the pound per spindle system is the weight in pounds of 14400 yards of yarn.                                  Weight (Pound)   14400 (yds)Pound per spindle =………………. X…………………..
                               1 Pound                Length (yds)


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